094-916-1644, 094-661-9626 @york-institute

Lancaster University (Direct pathway to Lancaster University )

Lancaster University เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยด้าน research ของรัฐ ตั้งอยู่ใน เมือง Lancaster, Lancashire ประเทศอังกฤษ

Lancaster University  Reputation :

1. Lancaster University ได้รับการจัดให้อยู่ใน Top 10 ของสหราชอาณาจักร (โดยGuardian University Guide 2017, Good University Guide และ Complete University Guide )

2. Lancaster University ได้รับการจัดอันดับอย่างต่อเนื่องให้เป็น top 1% ของ international league

3. Lancaster University ได้รับคะแนนความพึงพอใจจากนักเรียนถึง 91% ซึ่งสูงกว่าคะแนนโดยเฉลี่ยของมหาวิทยาลัยทั่วประเทศที่ได้คะแนนความพึงพอใจ 86%  (จากการสำรวจของ National Student Survey )

4. Lancaster University ได้รับรางวัลชนะเลิศด้านที่พักของนักเรียน Best University Halls ติดต่อกันเป็นปีที่ 6 จากการสำรวจของ National Student Housing Survey

คณะต่างๆ ของ Lancaster University ได้รับการจัดอันดับจาก Complete University Guide ดังนี้

  • อันดับ 2 ของมหาวิทยาลัยใน UK ด้าน Marketing
  • อันดับ 9 ของมหาวิทยาลัยใน UK ด้าน Accounting and Finance
  • อันดับ 9 ของมหาวิทยาลัยใน UK ด้าน Business and Management Studies


ค่าเรียนหลักสูตรต่างๆ ของ INTO Lancaster University Centre

1 GBP =  44.00 Baht

Course Subject Duration Tuition fee (GBP)
Tuition fee (THB)
International Foundation International Foundation in Business, Economics and Accounting 3 terms £20,995 923,780
4 terms £22,250 979,000
International Foundation in Engineering, Computing and Mathematics 3 terms £20,995 923,780
4 terms £22,250 979,000
International Foundation in Life Sciences 3 terms £20,995 923,780
4 terms £22,250 979,000
International Foundation in Social Sciences and Humanities 3 terms £19,750 869,000
4 terms £22,250 979,000
Pre-Master’s Pre-Master’s in Business and Management 2 terms £15,250 671,000
3 terms £19,750 869,000
4 terms £22,250 979,000
Pre-Master’s in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 2 terms £15,250 671,000
3 terms £20,995 923,780
4 terms £22,250 979,000
Pre-Master’s in Social Sciences and Law 2 terms £15,250 671,000
3 terms £20,995 923,780
4 terms £22,250 979,000
English Language Academic English per term £4,995 219,780


หลักสูตรที่เปิดสอนใน INTO Lancaster University Centre

1.International Foundation Year

เป็นหลักสูตรที่มีมาตรฐานเทียบเท่า A-Level เมื่อนักเรียนสำเร็จหลักสูตร International Foundation Year นี้แล้วจะได้ศึกษาต่อชั้นปีที่ 1 ระดับปริญญาตรีในสาขาวิชาที่นักเรียนเลือกที่ Lancaster University ได้เลย International Foundation Year เปิดสอนในสาขาวิชาต่างๆ ดังนี้

  • Business, Economics and Accounting
  • Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
  • Life Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Humanities

Course length : 3 or 4 terms

Entry start dates : October and June

Entry Requirements

Age: อายุ 17 ปีขึ้นไป

Academic : สอบถามได้ที่เจ้าหน้าที่ York Institute

English language : Academic IELTS for UKVI: 4.5 Overall (min 4.5 in writing)

สำหรับนักเรียนที่มีคะแนน IELTS ไม่ถึงเกณฑ์ที่กำหนดข้างต้นสามารถเรียนภาษาอังกฤษเพิ่มเติมได้กับทาง INTO Lancaster University Centre ในหลักสูตร Academic English โดยใน 1 เทอมภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนจะพัฒนาขึ้นเทียบเท่ากับ IELTS 0.5 หรือ 1.0 แล้วแต่ความสามารถของนักเรียนแต่ละคน

2. Pre-Masters

Pre-Master เป็นหลักสูตรเรียนเต็มเวลา (full time) ที่เตรียมพร้อมเพื่อศึกษาต่อในระดับปริญญาโท ในสาขาวิชาที่นักเรียนเลือก ที่ Lancaster University

นักศึกษาที่จบหลักสูตร Pre-Master ด้วยคะแนนที่กำหนดจะได้รับการรับรองว่าสามารถเข้าศึกษาต่อได้ในระดับปริญญาโทที่ Lancaster University ในสาขาวิชาดังต่อไปนี้

  • Business and Management
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Social Sciences and Law

Course length : 2 – 4 terms

Entry start dates : January, March, June and October (ขึ้นกับว่าจะเรียนกี่เทอม)

Entry Requirements

Age: อายุ 18 ปีขึ้นไป

Academic : สอบถามได้ที่เจ้าหน้าที่ York Institute

English language : Academic IELTS for UKVI: 6.0 Overall (min 6.0 in writing)

สำหรับนักเรียนที่มีคะแนน IELTS ไม่ถึงเกณฑ์ที่กำหนดข้างต้นสามารถเรียนภาษาอังกฤษเพิ่มเติมได้กับทาง INTO Lancaster University Centre ในหลักสูตร Academic English โดยใน 1 เทอมภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนจะพัฒนาขึ้นเทียบเท่ากับ IELTS 0.5 หรือ 1.0 แล้วแต่ความสามารถของนักเรียนแต่ละคน


International Foundation Year in Business and Management Progression degree options

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
Accounting & Economics BSc 70% 60%
Accounting & Economics (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Accounting & Finance BSc 70% 60%
Accounting & Finance (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Accounting & Management Studies BSc 70% 60%
Accounting & Management Studies (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Accounting, Finance & Computer Science BSc 70% 60%
Accounting, Finance & Computer Science (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Advertising & Marketing BA 75% 60%
Business Analytics and Consultancy BSc 70% 60%
Business Analytics and Consultancy – Study Abroad BSc 70% 60%
Business Analytics and Consultancy (Industrial Placement) BSc 70% 60%
Business Economics (Industry) BA 70% 60%
Business Studies BSc 70% 60%
Business Studies (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Business Studies (Study Abroad) BSc 70% 60%
Economics BA/Mecon 70% 60%
Economics & International Relations BA 70% 60%
Economics & Politics BA 70% 60%
Economics (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary China BA 70% 60%
European-Latin American Management (Mexico) BBA 70% 60%
Finance BSc 70% 60%
Finance & Economics BSc 70% 60%
Finance & Management Studies (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Finance (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Finance and Management Studies BSc 70% 60%
International Business Management (France) BBA (Hons) 70% 60%
International Business Management (Germany) BBA (Hons) 70% 60%
International Business Management (Italy) BBA 70% 60%
International Business Management (Spain) BBA 70% 60%
International Management in Contemporary China BA 70% 60%
International Relations in Contemporary China BA 70% 60%
Management BBA 75% 60%
Management & Organisational Behaviour (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
Management (Study Abroad) BBA 75% 60%
Management and Entrepreneurship BA 70% 60%
Management and Entrepreneurship (Industry) BA 70% 60%
Management and Human Resouces (Industry) BA 70% 60%
Management and Human Resources BA 70% 60%
Management and Human Resources (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
Management and Information Technology (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Management and Organisational Behaviour BA (Hons) 70% 60%
Management and Organisational Behaviour (Industry) BA 70% 60%
Management and Psychology BA 70% 60%
Management and Sociology BA 70% 60%
Management Studies & European Languages BA 70% 60%
Management, Politics & International Relations (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Marketing BSc 70% 60%
Marketing (Study Abroad) BSc 70% 60%
Marketing and Design BSc (Hons) 70% 60%
Marketing Management BSc 70% 60%
Marketing Management (Study Abroad) BSc 75% 60%
Marketing with Psychology BSc 70% 60%
Philosophy, Politics & Economics BA 70% 60%
Psychology BA/BSc 70% 60%

International Foundation Year in Engineering and Computing Progression degree options

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
Chemical Engineering BEng/Meng 70% 60%
Communication Systems and Electronics BEng 70% 60%
Communication Systems and Electronics (with Industrial Experience) MEng 70% 60%
Computer Science BSc 70% 60%
Computer Science (study abroad) BSc 75% 60%
Computer Science (with Industrial Experience) MSci 75% 60%
Computer Systems Engineering (BEng) BEng 70% 60%
Computer Systems Engineering (MEng) 75% 60%
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng/Meng 70% 60%
Engineering BEng 70% 60%
Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng 75% 60%
Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng 70% 60%
IT for Creative Industries Bsc 70% 60%
IT for Creative Industries (with Industrial Experience) MSci 75% 60%
Mechanical Engineering (BEng) 70% 60%
Mechanical Engineering (MEng) MEng 75% 60%
Mechatronics BEng/MEng 70% 60%
Natural Sciences MSci/BSc 75% 60%
Natural Sciences / North America MSci/BSci 75% 60%
Nuclear Engineering BEng/MEng 70% 60%
Physics MPhys 80% 60%
Physics BSc 75% 60%
Physics / North America MPhys 80% 60%
Physics with Particle Physics & Cosmology BSc 75% 60%
Physics with Particle Physics & Cosmology MPhys 80% 60%
Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology MPhys 80% 60%
Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology BSc/Mphys 75% 60%
Psychology BA/BSc 70% 60%
Software Engineering BSc 70% 60%
Software Engineering (with Industrial Experience) MSci 75% 60%
Sustainable Engineering (BEng) 70% 60%
Sustainable Engineering (MEng) MEng 75% 60%
Theoretical Physics BSc 75% 60%
Theoretical Physics MPhys 80% 60%
Theoretical Physics with Mathematics (BSc Hons) BSc Hons 75% 60%
Theoretical Physics with Mathematics (MSci Hons) MSci Hons 80% 60%
Theoretical Physics with Mathematics (North America) (MSci) MSci 80% 60%

International Foundation Year in Law Progression degree options

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
Criminology BA 70% 60%
Criminology & Sociology BA 70% 60%
Criminology with French Studies BA 70% 60%
Law LLB 75% 60%
Law & Criminology LLB 70% 60%
Law and Politics LLB 70% 60%


International Foundation Year in Social Studies degree options

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
English Language BA 70% 60%
English Language (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
English Language and French Studies BA 70% 60%
English Language and German Studies BA 70% 60%
English Language and Linguistics BA 70% 60%
English Language and Spanish Studies BA 70% 60%
English Language in the Media BA 70% 60%
English Language in the Media (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
English Language with Chinese BA 70% 60%
Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary China BA 70% 60%
Ethics, Philosophy and Religion BA 70% 60%
Film BA 70% 60%
Film & Philosophy BA 70% 60%
Film & Sociology BA 70% 60%
Film & Theatre BA 70% 60%
Film, Media & Cultural Studies BA 70% 60%
French Studies BA 70% 60%
French Studies & Film BA 70% 60%
French Studies & German Studies BA 70% 60%
French Studies & History BA 70% 60%
French Studies & Philosophy BA 70% 60%
French Studies & Politics BA 70% 60%
French Studies & Psychology BA 70% 60%
French Studies & Spanish Studies BA 70% 60%
French Studies & Theatre BA 70% 60%
French Studies and Linguistics BA 70% 60%
French Studies with Chinese BA 70% 60%
French Studies with Italian BA 70% 60%
German Studies BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Film BA 70% 60%
German Studies & History BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Philosophy BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Politics BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Psychology BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Spanish Studies BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Theatre BA 70% 60%
German Studies and Linguistics BA 70% 60%
German Studies with Chinese BA 70% 60%
German Studies with Italian BA 70% 60%
History BA 70% 60%
History & International Relations BA 70% 60%
History & Philosophy BA 70% 60%
History & Politics BA 70% 60%
History & Religious Studies BA 70% 60%
History, Philosophy & Politics BA 70% 60%
International Management in Contemporary China BA 70% 60%
International Relations BA 70% 60%
International Relations and Religious Diversity BA 70% 60%
International Relations in Contemporary China BA 70% 60%
Linguistics BA 70% 60%
Linguistics (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
Linguistics and Philosophy BA 70% 60%
Linguistics and Psychology BA 70% 60%
Linguistics with Chinese BA 70% 60%
Media & Cultural Studies BA 70% 60%
Medieval & Renaissance Studies BA 70% 60%
Modern Languages BA 70% 60%
Modern Languages & Cultures (MLang) MLang 70% 60%
Peace Studies & International Relations BA 70% 60%
Philosophy BA 70% 60%
Philosophy & Politics BA 70% 60%
Philosophy and Religious Studies BA 70% 60%
Philosophy with Chinese BA 70% 60%
Politics BA 70% 60%
Politics & Sociology BA 70% 60%
Politics (Study Abroad) BA 70% 60%
Politics and International Relations BA 70% 60%
Politics and Religious Studies BA 70% 60%
Politics with Chinese BA 70% 60%
Psychology BA/BSc 70% 60%
Religious Studies BA 70% 60%
Religious Studies and Sociology BA 70% 60%
Religious Studies with Chinese BA 70% 60%
Sociology BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Film BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and History BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Linguistics BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Philosophy BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Politics BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Psychology BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Theatre BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies with Chinese BA 70% 60%
Spanish Studies with Italian BA 70% 60%
Theatre BA 70% 60%



International Foundation Year in Mathematics and Statistics Progression degree options

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
Accounting, Finance & Mathematics BSc 70% 60%
Accounting, Finance & Mathematics (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
Computer Science and Mathematics BSc/Msci 70% 60%
Economics & Mathematics BSc 70% 60%
Financial Mathematics BSc/MSci 70% 60%
Financial Mathematics (Industry) BSc 70% 60%
French Studies & Computing BSc 70% 60%
French Studies and Mathematics BA 70% 60%
German Studies & Computing BSc 70% 60%
German Studies and Mathematics BA 70% 60%
Management Maths BSc 70% 60%
Mathematics BSc/MSci 70% 60%
Mathematics (Study Abroad) MSci 70% 60%
Mathematics and Philosophy BA 70% 60%
Mathematics with Statistics BSc/MSci 70% 60%
Mathematics with Statistics (Study Abroad) MSci 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Computing BSc 70% 60%
Spanish Studies and Mathematics BA 70% 60%
Statistics BSc/MSci 70% 60%
Statistics (Study Abroad) MSci Hons 70% 60%


International Foundation Year in Life Sciences Progression degree options

Award Overall Grade English Grade
Biochemistry BSc 70% 60%
Biochemistry (Study Abroad) BSc 75% 60%
Biochemistry with Genetics BSc 70% 60%
Biochemisty with Biomedicine BSc 70% 60%
Biological Sciences MSci 75% 60%
Biological Sciences BSc 70% 60%
Biological Sciences (Study Abroad) BSc 75% 60%
Biological Sciences with Biomedicine BSc 70% 60%
Biology MSci 75% 60%
Biology BSc 70% 60%
Biology with Psychology BSc 70% 60%
Biomedical Science BSc 70% 60%
Biomedicine MSci 75% 60%
Biomedicine BSc 70% 60%
Biomedicine (Study Abroad) BSc/MSci 75% 60%
Bioscience with Entrepreneurship BSc 70% 60%
Chemistry BSc 70% 60%
Chemistry MChem 75% 60%
Chemistry/North America MChem 75% 60%
Earth & Environmental Science (Study Abroad) BSc/MSci 70% 60%
Earth and Environmental Science MSci 70% 60%
Earth and Environmental Science BSc 70% 60%
Ecology & Conservation (Professional Experience) MSci 70% 60%
Ecology and Conservation BSc 70% 60%
Ecology and Conservation (Study Abroad) BSc 70% 60%
Environmental Biology BSc 70% 60%
Environmental Biology MSci 70% 60%
Environmental Biology (Study Abroad) MSci 75% 60%
Environmental Science BSc/Msci 70% 60%
Environmental Science & Technology BSc 70% 60%
Environmental Science & Technology (Professional Experience) MSci 75% 60%
Environmental Science (Study Abroad) BSc 70% 60%
Environmental Science (Study Abroad) MSci 75% 60%
Natural Sciences BSc/MSci 75% 60%
Natural Sciences / North America BSc/MSci 75% 60%
Psychology BA/BSc 70% 60%

Progression Route of Pre-Masters :

Business, Law and Social Sciences

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Conflict, Development and Security MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Criminal Justice and Social Research Methods MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Criminology and Criminal Justice MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Criminology and Criminal Justice LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Diplomacy and International Law MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Diplomacy and International Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Diplomacy and Religion MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
E-Business & Innovation MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Economics MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Entrepreneurship Innovation and Practice MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Gender and Women’s Studies MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Gender and Women’s Studies and English MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Gender and Women’s Studies and Sociology MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Human Resource & Consulting MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Human Resource Management MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Information Technology, Management & Organisational Change MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
International Business & Strategy MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
International Business and Corporate Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
International Human Rights and Terrorism Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
International Human Rights Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
International Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
International Law and International Relations LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
International Law and International Relations MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
International Relations MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Logistics & Supply Chain Management MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Marketing Analytics MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Media & Cultural Studies MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Money, Banking and Finance MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Philosophy MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Philosophy and Religion MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Politics MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Politics and Philosophy MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Politics, Philosophy and Management MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Politics, Philosophy and Religion MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Project Management MSc 60% 70% overall and 50% in each skill
Religion and Conflict MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil
Religious Studies MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skil

Progression Route of Pre-Masters :

Engineering, Computing, Mathematics and Science

Degree Programmes Award Overall Grade English Grade
Biomedicine MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Communication Systems (by research) MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Computer Science MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Computer Science (by research) MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Conservation and Biodiversity MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Cyber Security MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Data Science MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Developmental Disorders MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Developmental Psychology MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Ecology (by research) MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Electronic Engineering MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Engineering (by research) MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Engineering Project Management MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Environment and Development MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Environment and Development MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Environment and Law LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Environment, Culture and Society MA 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Environmental Management MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Environmental Science (by research) MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Human Rights and the Environment LLM 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Mechanical Engineering MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Mechanical Engineering with Project Management MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Plant Sciences (by research) MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Psychological Research Methods MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Psychology of Advertising MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Quantitative Finance MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Statistics MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Sustainable Water Management MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Volcanology and Geological Hazards MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill
Wireless Communication Systems MSc 60% 60% overall and 40% in each skill





เรียน High school ที่อังกฤษ

เรียน Certificate ที่ออสเตรเลีย




เรียน Diploma ที่ออสเตรเลีย







เรียน High school ที่อเมริกา





เรียนแฟชั่นที่ Marangoni




เรียนทำอาหารที่ Le Cordon Bleu

York Institute 283/39, 41 Home Place Building, 8th Fl., Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor 13), Bangkok 10110 THAILAND Tel: (66) 94-916-1644, (66) 94-661-9626 Email: info@york-institute.com Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved.